Calendar Bookings & Live Map

The calendar and live map feature allows sales to propose bookings, verified by operations, while showing locations and directions for engineers through the mobile app.

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Calendar Bookings

Assign engineer bookings to projects or support tickets directly through the project or booking section, eliminating double bookings. All bookings are synced with Office 365 Calendars and go live on the app, where engineers can click the Google Maps icon for directions from their current location to the site.

  • Eliminate double bookings
  • Central location for all engineers bookings
  • Contractor Bookings with portal


Add labels for engineering teams, contractors with multiple staff, or for Annual Leave, training, and admin duties, assigning colors for quick visual identification on the calendar. Utilize filters to display only selected labels, ensuring a clear and organized view of bookings.

  • Label for Annual Leave
  • Assign colours for quick visual cue
  • Filter labels

Live Map

View all proposed and current bookings on the live map, with colored markers based on calendar labels. Click on a marker for project details, and use the directions tab to see travel time and routes between markers, making it easy to plan an engineer’s day.

  • Add customer owned sites as static markers
  • View all current and proposed bookings
  • Get directions and distances between markers


Add contractors to the system under the contractor user type, assign them to a project, and control which details they can access. Include contractors in the booking calendar, and once they download the app, they can collect data and sign off projects with full functionality.

  • Add contractor bookings
  • Contractor User type
  • View project details they are assigned to
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